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1st year special events - 1st B-day

The Summer Months

19 months- hand molds

19 month -tooth brush

19 months - better than a high chair

19 months - hanging

19 months

19 months - maiden trip

19 months - maiden trip

19 months - First Ice Cream Yummm

19 month - Keven and Lilly Crocker

19 months - cousin Jerry

19 months - June/01 Lajolla

19 months - La Jolla, at the beach

19 months - Fathers Day in La Jolla

19 months - Fathers day in Lajolla

19 months - Fathers Day, La Lolla, in the park

19 months- Pool in La Jolla

19 months - Larry Lundy

19 months - swimming

19 month - pool

19 months - loves drawing

19 months - Dads ties

19 months - First water fountain

19 months - Grand Father

19 months- more hand molds

19 months- Cool......